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1953 Alfa Romeo BAT 5 and part of 1954 Alfa Romeo BAT 7Congo Masai Giraffe with tongue curved upwardTwo White Rhinos one standing one laying down with smiles1955 Lincoln IndianapolisGracious Spider Monkey modelingBarbed Wire Grill Classic Car Downtown NashvilleTwo Red JellyfishClassic Car 2nd Avenue Downtown NashvilleSpider Monkey mouth open facing the right930 Jordan Model Z Speedway Ace Roadster Red MarblePortrait of Masai Giraffe tongue curled outClouded Leopard stretched out on tree Limb1934 Model 40 Special Speedster Side ProfileMuddy water flowing from African Elephant trunkHead down Traditional DancerRingtailed Lemur looking back in a sedated mood squareSea AnemoneSumatran Tiger portraitRed LionfishWhite Rhinoceros female racing