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Stones River National Cemetery civil war headstones

Scenic views of the Stones River National Cemetery in Murfreesboro TN.

In October of 1865 Chaplain William Earnshaw, the first Superintendent of Stones River National Cemetery, along with the 111th United States Colored Infantry located and reburied Union soldiers from the battlefield, Murfreesboro, and the surrounding area.

More than 6,100 Union soldiers are buried in Stones River National Cemetery. Of that number, 2, 562 are unknown. A 1,000 veterans, and some family members, who served since the Civil War are also interred in the cemetery.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Stones River National Cemetery, Murfreesboro TN, TN, Tennessee, village, historic, history, historical, Tennessee history, cemetery, head stones, civil war, grave sites, memorial, soldiers, military, trees, outside, outdoors, artistic, water color, water color digital art

Stones River National Cemetery civil war headstones